Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control in Town Councils

Weekly measures

Check for mosquito breeding in the following places:

  • Unused containers in open areas and under bushes
  • Open and closed drains
  • Gully traps
  • Ground puddles
  • Tree holes and bifurcations between branches, and leaf axils of banana trees, Travellers Palms and other palms
  • Joss paper burners
  • Outdoor litter bins
  • Scupper drains in common corridors and void decks
  • Bin centres (in particular, perimeter drains, gully traps, discarded containers, stored bulk bins, and joss paper burners inside and around bin centres)
  • Scupper drains, perimeter drains and sumps of multi-storey car park.
  • Any other containers

Fortnightly measures

Check the roof drainage and gutters of bin centres, linkways, overhead bridges, and other buildings or structures with roof drainage.

Apply sand granular insecticide to gully traps, manhole cover handle depressions, lightning conductor pits, stop-cock pits, valve chambers, and sumps.

Destruction of mosquito breeding

Destroy all mosquito breeding found during the inspection, and remove or treat all potential breeding habitats with insecticide.

Report all breeding detected, as well as potential breeding habitats observed to the town councils so that appropriate interim or permanent measures can be taken.


Fogging is to be carried out only when there is a mosquito nuisance problem or a disease outbreak.