Basel Convention

List of Wastes

The Basel Convention has subjected the following wastes that are subject to transboundary movement as hazardous wastes:

  • Wastes that belong to any category contained in Annex I, unless they do not possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex III; and
  • Wastes that are not covered under the above but are defined as, or are, hazardous wastes by the domestic legislation of the party of export, import or transit.

Waste that belongs to any category contained in Annex II that is subject for transboundary movement will be identified as other wastes for the purposes of the Convention.

Arising from Annexes I and III, the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Basel Convention had produced the following two lists of wastes: Annex VIII (classified as hazardous wastes under the Basel Convention) and Annex IX (non-hazardous wastes i.e. outside the scope of the Convention unless they are contaminated by constituents rendering them hazardous or are regulated by national legislation as hazardous wastes)

The lists of wastes in Annex VIII and Annex IX are current as of January 2021.