Changes in 2023

FAQs on New eServices

Customer Profile and Worker Management

The Customer Profile and Worker Management eService may be accessed by navigating to the “Radiation Safety” Category.

Alternatively, you may type “Customer Profile and Worker Management” in the search bar.

For each profile, there are 5 possible actions accessible from the action panel.

  1. Details: This allows you to view the details of your customer profile (e.g. address, contact details, payment method).
  2. Edit: This allows you to edit details of your customer profile (e.g. addition of secondary contacts, change in contact information). Do note that certain profile details are not editable.
  3. Delete: This allows you to delete the specific customer profile. Please refer to Q3 for more information on deletion.
  4. View Licence & Service: This allows you to view the validity and annual payment due dates/expiry dates of any licence/registration you possess, as well as the details of any subscribed services.
  5. Radiation Worker Employment Management:
    • For individuals: This allows you to accept or reject any requests to be added to an organisation’s radiation worker employment management list, and view the status of all such requests.
    • For organisations: This allows you to add your employees so that you can view information on their licence and dose monitoring records.

For a step-by-step guide, please refer to this pdf file.

You can delete those profiles that are not in use only if there are no records tied to the profile. However, if the customer profile has any records such as the ones listed below, you will not be able to remove the customer profile.

a.     active, expired (but not cancelled) and suspended licence
licence application
active service request
open service request

No, each individual user can only have one (1) customer profile tied to each NRIC/FIN/Passport number.

In order to access the “Customer Profile and Worker Management” to manage profiles under an organisation’s UEN, please check that your organisation’s Corppass administrator has granted you access to NEA eServices.

Organisations or individuals can update the details within their customer profile at any time at no cost. Organisations and individuals are strongly encouraged to ensure that customer profile details are kept up-to-date. In particular, contact email address should be kept current to ensure that organisations or individuals can receive radiation-related email notifications sent by NEA..

You should be able to view basic information on the following licence and service records under your customer profile if they were applied for under that customer profile:

a.     active, expired (but not cancelled) and suspended licences
b.     active service requests or subscriptions
c.     service requests or subscriptions closed in the last 2 years

You will not be able to view licence application information, cancelled licences and service request or subscription details from more than 2 years ago. 

Please approach your organisation’s Corppass Administrator to create a Corppass user account for you with access rights to NEA ePortal.

Thereafter, you may login to the NEA ePortal via Singpass (for organisations) > Radiation Safety Category > Customer Profile and Worker Management eService. The "Radiation Worker Employment Management" page is accessible from the action panel on your customer profile page.

To add a worker, you will require the following worker’s information:
a.     Identification number (e.g. NRIC, FIN, Passport); or
b.     Registration or licence number; or
c.     Registration or licence application number

No. The acknowledgement request will be tied to the individual’s Singpass and the individual will be required to login to NEA ePortal using their Singpass (for individuals) to accept or reject the request. However, as the employer, you would be able to withdraw the request and view if the request has been accepted, rejected or pending action from the radiation worker.

To add a worker into an organisation’s profile, you will require the organisation’s Corppass access to login using Singpass (for organisations) to access the organisation’s customer profile(s) on NEA ePortal to add yourself as the organisation’s radiation worker in the respective Radiation Worker Employment Management page. Subsequently, you would be required to login to NEA ePortal using your Singpass (for individuals) to accept or reject the request for addition.

For NRIC or FIN holders, the notification would inform you to go to NEA ePortal to accept or reject the request. Please login to NEA ePortal via Singpass (for individuals) to view the request on “Customer Profile and Worker Management eService > Radiation Worker Employment Management”. Under the “Pending” tab, you can accept or reject the addition to the organisation’s customer profile. If you have accepted the request, you will see the organisation and its customer profile listed under the “Registered” tab. If you have rejected the request, you will see the details under the “Rejected” tab.

For individuals without NRIC or FIN with licence or registration tied to their passport number, please inform NEA to accept or reject the request on your behalf via NEA online feedback form or myENV app, or email us at

Please ensure that you have accessed the Radiation Worker Employment Page through the “Customer Profile and Radiation Worker” eService. You may refer to Q1 and Q2 on how these pages are accessed.

If you have accessed the correct page and there are no pending requests, please contact NEA via NEA online feedback form or myENV app, or email us at

No, there is no limit to the number of radiation workers you can add to your organisation’s customer profile. There is also no limit to the number of employers’ customer profiles that an individual can be added to.

Dose Monitoring Services

With effect from 20 Feb 2023, please submit all new service subscription applications on NEA ePortal. 

With the decoupling of personal dose monitoring services with effect from 20 Feb 2023, the current rate of $15.75 per month (inclusive of GST) charged for monitoring services provided to non-radiation workers will also apply for radiation workers.   

For subscriptions expiring between 30 Jan 2023 and 19 Feb 2023, the subscriptions will automatically be provisionally extended by one year. If the R1 registration annual fee is paid within the late payment grace period of 6 months, the extended subscription expiry date will remain valid. Otherwise, NEA will terminate the subscription at the end of the grace period.  If the subscription is terminated, subscribers will need to submit a new application on NEA ePortal for the dose monitoring service at the said fee rate in Q11.

Your subscription expiry date will be extended to 30 Apr 2023 to provide subscribers with more time to renew their subscription. For information on how to renew your subscription, please see Q12. For subscriptions expiring between 20 Feb 2023 and 29 Apr 2023, the email notification to renew the subscription will be sent on 1 Mar 2023.