Together with Our Partners and the Community

Environmental Services Industry as a Force Multiplier for Mission Success

Singapore’s commitment to environmental sustainability and economic growth is reflected in the Environmental Services Industry Transformation Map developed by NEA to drive change in the industry. We work closely with our stakeholders to form strategic partnerships, and recognise their sustainability efforts through awards and accolades.

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Active Community as Stewards of the Environment

NEA works closely with the People, Public and Private sectors to drive environmental ownership through various campaigns and programmes. These sectors are critical to Singapore's journey towards sustainability, as everyone can contribute to a cleaner and greener way of life.

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Public Sector Taking the Lead in Environmental Sustainability

Public agencies in Singapore often come together to coordinate operations, share expertise and resources, and collaborate in inter-agency committees and task forces. To harness this synergy, NEA partners fellow public agencies in programmes to drive sustainability across the public sector.

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International Partnerships as Strategic Levers

The effects of climate change further intensify Singapore’s vulnerability to transboundary environmental threats. To foster collaboration and knowledge exchange on the global stage, NEA engages our ASEAN and international counterparts, and leverages bilateral and multilateral platforms to promote Singapore’s expertise in environmental management beyond our shores.

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