Outcome-based Contracting (OBC)

Outcome-based Contracting (OBC) for Cleaning Services

Outcome-based Contracting (OBC) for Cleaning Services

Outcome-based contracting (OBC) for Cleaning Services refers to the specifying of cleaning outcomes such as quality expectations and service delivery with measurable performance indicators. OBC enables service providers to propose innovative ways of achieving the desired cleaning outcomes, which in turn improves productivity.

Click the links below to download the OBC and Tender Evaluation guides. 

Guide on Specifications for Outcome-based Cleaning Contract (2nd edition, 2021)

Guide on specifications for OBC
Guide on Tender Evaluation for Outcome-based Cleaning Contracts (2021) 

Guide on Tender Evaluation on OBC

Consultancy Support and Guidance on Cleaning Contracts

As the lead agency for the Environmental Services (ES) industry, NEA provides 1-to-1 consultancy guidance and support to service buyers to help them transit to OBC. Register your interest with us using the link below.

Meet us for a 1-to-1 consultation
Image for consultation

For enquiries pertaining to OBC, you may contact NEA Cleaning OBC Helpdesk (NEA) <NEA_Cleaning_OBC_Helpdesk@nea.gov.sg>

Benefits of OBC

a) Manage Cost Escalation 

Manpower cost often makes up 70-90% of total cleaning cost. By specifying outcomes rather than headcount (i.e. manpower required) in tenders, service buyers would be able to manage cleaning cost by allowing service providers to propose the optimum number of manpower deployed supplemented with machinery and automation to achieve the desired cleaning outcome. In turn, service providers would be motivated to invest on technology and training to stay competitive. 

b) Facilitate Technology Deployment

With OBC, service providers would be motivated to propose innovative cleaning equipment and introduce new technologies to improve productivity and better manage cleaning operations. 

c) Measure Performance 

OBC allows service buyers to measure and monitor cleaning outcomes. Service buyers can even adopt an incentive system to pay service providers based on cleaning performance.