Facts and Figures

Near Real-time Data Sharing Service

NEA supports data sharing with government agencies, research institutes and institutes of higher learning. Interested parties will now be able to subscribe to the available datasets for near real-time data transfer directly via “Message-Queue (MQ)” protocol.

Available Datasets

No. Dataset Description Remark
1 Rainfall The rainfall in millimeters (mm) accumulated over 5-minutes at about 62 different locations.
  • 5-min data interval
  • About 62 data-points
2 Temperature The degree of hotness or coldness of the air measured on a temperature scale of degree Celsius at about 22 different locations.
  • 1-min data interval
  • About 22 data-points
3 Relative Humidity A traditional indicator of the air's moisture content. It is the ratio of the amount of moisture actually in the air to the maximum amount of moisture which the air could hold at the same temperature. Relative humidity is normally expressed as a percentage and at saturation the relative humidity will be very close to 100%. Data is measured at about 21 different locations.
  • 1-min data interval
  • About 21 data-points
4 Wind Speed The velocity of air in motion relative to the surface of the earth. It is the scalar magnitude of the wind speed averaged for past 10 minutes measured at about 22 locations.
  • 1-min data interval
  • About 22 data-points
5 Wind Direction The direction from which the wind is blowing. It is the direction of wind “unit vector” averaged for past 10 minutes measured at about 22 different locations.
  • 1-min data interval
  • About 22 data-points
6 Wind Gust Speed Wind gust represents the highest wind speed in the last 5 minutes measured at about 22 different locations.
  • 5-min data interval
  • About 22 data-points
7 Wind Gust Direction Wind direction corresponding to wind gust speed measured at about 22 different locations.
  • 5-min data interval
  • About 22 data-points
8 Overall and Regional Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) Data
  • Pollutant Concentration
  • Sub-Index
An index to provide accurate and easily understandable information about daily levels of air quality. The index is updated hourly for the 5 regions of Singapore (i.e. North, South, East, West and Central) based on measurements taken at air quality monitoring stations strategically located in different parts of Singapore.

24-h PSI Index is based on the concentrations of 6 key air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, Ozone and CO). Index is based on the pollutant that is worst off for the 24-hour period.

The hourly average concentration of each of the 6 air pollutant measured over a 24-hr period is converted into a sub-index and the highest sub-index is the PSI. During haze period PM2.5 determines the index.
  • Hourly data interval
  • Overall and regional PSI data (24-hr PSI)
  • Includes Pollutant Concentration and Sub-Index
9 PM2.5 It is a measure of fine particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 μm or smaller in diameter (1/30th the diameter of a human hair strand).

These fine particles are able to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. When present in high amounts, they can cause breathing difficulties as well as aggravate existing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Hourly data interval
  • 5 regions (North South East West & Central)

To subscribe to the available datasets, please read the terms in the Open Data Licence (ODL) and email your request to NEA_Future_Ready@nea.gov.sg.

  1. Open Data Licence

To enquire about other datasets not in the table above, please send your enquiry to the email address mentioned above and include your telephone contact so that we can get in touch with you.

NEA reserves the right to add new MQ data package/s or amend existing MQ data package/s at any point of time.

First-time approved subscribers are required to perform a one-time system-to-system connection with the NEA data exchange. A technical specification document will be provided to the approved subscribers for compliance which include the following setting at the subscriber’s end:

  1. Public static IP address (network access must be granted at NEA Data Centre)
  2. SSL certificate (either self-signed or public trusted certificate)