Wolbachia-Aedes Mosquito Suppression Strategy

Phase 3 Field Study

Phase 3 field study

In Phase 3, the Tampines West and Nee Soon East study sites were further expanded  to determine if suppression could be sustained over larger areas. Phase 3 covered about four times the number of HDB blocks as Phase 1.

Phase 3 findings

  • Phase 3 achieved >90% suppression of the Aedes aegypti mosquito population in the study sites, again suggesting that larger sites yield better results. Releases kept the Aedes aegypti populations at levels that pose low dengue risk.
  • In some areas where continued releases had already suppressed the Aedes aegypti population, we were able to reduce the number of male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes released and still maintain good suppression.

Phase 3 field study findings