
Singapore Packaging Agreement and Packaging Partnership Programme

Singapore Packaging Agreement

The Singapore Packaging Agreement (SPA) was a joint initiative by government, industry and NGOs to reduce packaging waste, which constitutes about one-third by weight of Singapore’s domestic waste disposed of. The Agreement was voluntary, so as to provide flexibility for the industry to adopt cost-effective solutions to reduce waste.

NEA launched the first SPA in 2007 to reduce packaging waste. It was signed by various parties including industry associations, individual companies, non-governmental organisations, the Waste Management & Recycling Association of Singapore, public waste collectors and NEA on 5 June 2007, World Environment Day. With the end of the SPA on 30 June 2020, initiatives such as the Packaging Partnership Programme and Mandatory Packaging Reporting requirements will continue to drive sustainable packaging waste management in Singapore. 


Click here [PDF, 192 KB] for the full list of signatories.

Packaging Partnership Programme

To support companies in their journey towards adopting sustainable packaging waste management practices, the Singapore Manufacturing Federation has partnered the National Environment Agency to introduce a new industry-led programme called the Packaging Partnership Programme (PPP). PPP is officially launched on 24 March 2021.

The PPP is a joint capability development programme that will support companies in fulfilling their new obligations under the Mandatory Packaging Reporting framework from 1 January 2021 as well as enable the exchange of best practices in sustainable packaging waste management.

Find out more information, including on how to join the PPP here

Logo for Products with Reduced Packaging (LPRP)


The LPRP is an eco-label administered by the Packaging Partnership Programme (previously by SPA). It is offered to winners of the SPA Awards (previously known as the 3R Packaging Awards) as well as members of the Packaging Partnership Programme (PPP) to print on products that have undergone improvements to reduce the amount of packaging materials used.

This eco-label not only empowers consumers who wish to make a conscious choice to purchase products that generate less waste but provides recognition to companies who have gone the extra mile to minimise packaging waste. Consumers are encouraged to look out for the logo on consumer products and support these companies by opting to purchase products with reduced packaging.

SPA Awards 2020

The annual SPA Awards served to recognise signatories who made notable efforts and achievements in reducing packaging waste.

The SPA Awards 2020 was held on 24 March 2021, together with the official launch of the Packaging Partnership Programme. The SPA Awards video can be viewed via the url below.

SPA 10th Anniversary Awards

2017 marked the 10th Anniversary of the SPA with the introduction of two prestigious one-off Awards - the 10th Anniversary Special Achievement Award, to recognise consistent and top performers in reducing packaging waste and the 10th Anniversary Outreach Award, to recognise organisations or individuals who have been active champions of the SPA and its objectives. The SPA 10th Anniversary booklet summarising case studies by signatories from 2007 to 2017 can be downloaded here [PDF, 1.51 MB] and the achievements of the winners of the winners of the 10th Anniversary Special Achievement Award, 10th Anniversary Outreach Award and SPA Awards 2017 can be found in the SPA Awards 2017 Booklet below.

Packaging Waste Reduction Case Studies

The packaging waste reduction case studies of previous years' winners can be found at the links below:

Packaging Benchmarks

Packaging weight benchmarks (‘Lightest’, ‘Median’ and 'Heaviest’) have been established for the purpose of allowing companies to compare the weight of packaging of their products against that of similar products, and enable them to see the potential for improving their packaging design and use of materials. Equipped with this knowledge, businesses can then review their packaging designs, practices and/or processes to identify areas for improvement.

The packaging benchmarks for the following product categories may be found at the links below: