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Keep Singapore Clean

The Keep Singapore Clean Movement (KSCM) is a national call for Singapore to move from being a 'cleaned city' to a 'truly clean city'. The Movement is  led by the Public Hygiene Council (PHC), Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) and is supported by the National Environment Agency (NEA).

Moving towards Zero Waste

The amount of waste disposed of in Singapore has increased seven-fold over the last 40 years. At this rate, Semaukau Landfill, Singapore's only landfill, will run out of space by 2035. There is limited land for building new incineration plants or landfills in Singapore. We all have a role to play in working to reduce waste generated in Singapore.

Moving towards Zero Waste 
Volunteer With Us

Clean and Green Singapore (CGS) aims to inspire Singaporeans to care for and protect our environment by adopting a clean, green and sustainable lifestyle. We are putting the call out to individuals who are keen to be involved in our various initiatives including dengue prevention, keeping Singapore clean, recycling and more. Sign up as a volunteer with us today!

Volunteer With Us 

This is About Clean & Green Singapore (CGS)

About Us

Clean and Green Singapore (CGS) aims to inspire Singaporeans to care for and protect our environment by adopting a clean, green and sustainable lifestyle.

Find Out More  

A liveable and endearing home

Safeguarding green and blue spaces; embracing smart technology and eco-friendly features in our towns and homes; and enjoying a seamless transportation network in Singapore, which reinforce green living.


A Vibrant and Sustainable City

The Government, the community and businesses coming together to develop infrastructure, programmes and jobs that support the move towards a Zero Waste Nation and a leading green economy. 

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