Wolbachia-Aedes Mosquito Suppression Strategy

Project Wolbachia Only Targets Aedes aegypti

NEA’s Wolbachia-Aedes suppression strategy is species-specific

Releases of male Wolbachia-carrying Aedes aegypti (Wolbachia-Aedes) mosquitoes target and suppress only Aedes aegypti, the primary vector of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika in Singapore. Other mosquito or insect species are not affected by the releases. Wolbachia-Aedes suppression technology therefore has negligible ecological impact.

Stay vigilant: Aedes aegypti is not the only disease vector in Singapore

Did you know that more than 180 species of mosquitoes have been identified in Singapore to date? Most do not spread disease, but a handful do. Disease vectors such as Aedes albopictus, which can transmit dengue, and Culex mosquitoes are not targeted by Project Wolbachia. To prevent biting and reduce the risk of disease transmission, we must remain vigilant against mosquito breeding. Carry out the Mozzie Wipeout regularly to keep mosquito populations low.

The mosquitoes of Singapore

Curious about the mosquitoes of Singapore? Read on for more information about our most common mosquito genera (groups): Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles. All three genera contain members that can transmit disease.


The two most common Aedes species in Singapore are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.

  • The two species look similar, with black and white stripes on their bodies and legs. However, we can differentiate them by their scale patterns. Aedes aegypti has two white bands on its thorax (back) in the shape of a lyre, whereas Aedes albopictus has one white central band.

03aegypti 04-albopictus

  • Typical breeding habitats include artificial or natural water containers/bodies such as flower pots, clogged roof gutters, and household water storage containers. Aedes albopictus also breeds in areas with a lot of greenery, and natural habitats such as tree holes and dry leaves.
  • Both species bite primarily during the day, but can also bite at night in well-lit areas.
  • Both species can transmit dengue, although Aedes albopictus does so less efficiently than Aedes aegypti.


The most common Culex species in Singapore’s urban setting is Culex quinquefasciatus.

  • Culex quinquefasciatus is a golden-brown mosquito with a dark proboscis.
  • Typical breeding habitats include blocked drains.
  • Culex quinquefasciatus bites during the night and is a vector of Japanese encephalitis and filariasis (not endemic in Singapore).


The two most common Anopheles species in Singapore are Anopheles epiroticus and Anopheles sinensis.

  • Anopheles epiroticus and Anopheles sinensis are light brown mosquitoes, with pale and dark scales on their legs, proboscises and wings.
  • Typical breeding habitats include sunlit brackish pools with algae. 
  • Both species bite during the night and are vectors of malaria (not endemic in Singapore).